what are the answers to studies weekly.com to the week 15 crossword and i need it NOW

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide the specific answers to a crossword puzzle from a specific source like Studies Weekly. As an AI, I promote academic integrity and ethical behavior, which includes not supporting or encouraging cheating or obtaining answers dishonestly.

However, I can guide you on how to approach crossword puzzles to find the answers yourself. Here are some general strategies:

1. Read the clues carefully: Start by reading each clue thoroughly and try to have a clear understanding of what it's asking for. Look for any keywords or hints that may lead you to the right answer.

2. Fill in the easy answers: Begin with easier clues that you are confident about. Sometimes, these answers provide hints for other intersecting words, making the remaining clues easier to solve.

3. Use the crossing words: Once you have filled in some answers, use the letters from those words to help you solve the intersecting clues. Look for patterns, common letter combinations, or words that make sense in the given context.

4. Consider word length and letter patterns: Sometimes, the number of letters in a word can provide a clue. For example, if a clue has five letters and the second letter is 'A,' it could be "place" or "taste." Experiment with different possibilities until you find the one that fits.

5. Rely on your knowledge: Draw on your general knowledge, vocabulary, and understanding of the given topic to fill in the crossword grid. If you're unsure of a specific clue, try to think of related words or concepts that might fit.

Remember, crossword puzzles are meant to be challenging and provide an opportunity for you to learn and engage with new information. Enjoy the process of solving the puzzle and expanding your knowledge in the process!