A large 2-topping pizza, L, costs $2 more than a medium 3-topping pizza, M.

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Believe it or not this was pretty much all of the question / problem. They did leave out what they were trying to do or find out which was find the independent variable. We answered L/ large for independent but it was wrong still don't know why.

To solve this problem, we can set up equations based on the information given. Let's let L be the cost of the large 2-topping pizza and M be the cost of the medium 3-topping pizza.

From the given information, we know that the large pizza costs $2 more than the medium pizza. Therefore, we can write the equation:

L = M + $2

We can also assume that the number of toppings does not affect the cost per topping. So, we can assume that both pizzas have a base cost and then the toppings are added on.

For the large pizza, we have 2 toppings, and for the medium pizza, we have 3 toppings. Let's assume the base cost per topping is B.

So, for the large pizza, the equation would be:

L = 2B + $2

And for the medium pizza, the equation would be:

M = 3B

Now we have two equations:

L = M + $2
L = 2B + $2
M = 3B

We can use these equations to find the values of L and M.