A sweater is 15% off. The regular price is $24. What is the price after the discount is taken off?

since 10% is

Sorry about that, since 10% is 2 from 24 then 5% is 1. 1+2=3

the answer then is 21

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discount = .15(24) = 3.60

selling price = 24 - 3.60 = $20.40

just take .85(24) = 20.40

To find the price after the discount is taken off, you need to calculate the discount amount and subtract it from the regular price.

First, calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = (15/100) * Regular price

Substituting the values:
Discount amount = (15/100) * $24
Discount amount = $3.6

Now, subtract the discount amount from the regular price to find the price after the discount:
Price after discount = Regular price - Discount amount
Price after discount = $24 - $3.6
Price after discount = $20.4

Therefore, the price after the discount is taken off is $20.4.