At what temperature do KCl + KNO3 have the same solubility in 100g of


You know, I just don't have all of those solubilities of the thousands and thousands of compounds committed to memory. If you can give me the solubility of each at various temperatures I can answer. Of course if you have that you won't need my help. I suggest you Google for a table of solubility for the two salts. If you need help after that please repost.

To find the temperature at which KCl and KNO3 have the same solubility in 100g of water (H2O), we need to determine the solubility of both compounds at different temperatures and compare them.

Here's a step-by-step process to find the answer:

1. Look up the solubility of KCl in water at different temperatures. Solubility values are usually given in grams of solute per 100g of water. Note down the solubility values at various temperatures.

2. Look up the solubility of KNO3 in water at different temperatures. Note down the solubility values at various temperatures.

3. Compare the solubility values of KCl and KNO3 at each temperature. Find the temperature(s) at which the solubility values for both compounds are equal.

By comparing the solubility values of KCl and KNO3 at different temperatures, you can determine the temperature(s) at which they have the same solubility in 100g of water (H2O).