Giants and dwarfs are believed to be _________ stars.

A. old
B. young

I think it is A


Average stars become red giants, turn into planetary nebulae, and end their lives as white dwarfs.

To determine whether giants and dwarfs are believed to be old or young stars, we need to understand the characteristics and life cycle of stars.

Stars like our Sun are classified based on their mass and size, which determines how they evolve over time. Giants and dwarfs are terms used to describe different stages of stellar evolution.

1. Dwarfs: These stars, also known as main sequence stars, are in the middle of their lifespan. They undergo a long period of stable energy production by converting hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion in their cores. Our Sun is an example of a dwarf star.

2. Giants: Giants are stars that have exhausted the hydrogen fuel in their cores and have expanded and become much larger. This expansion occurs because the core contracts, increasing the outer layers' temperature and causing them to expand outward. Giants are relatively older stars compared to dwarfs.

To answer the question, we can conclude that giants are believed to be old stars. Thus, the correct answer is A. old.