Mallory works 18 ½ hours a week and earns $10.80 an hour. How much money will she earn a week

To calculate how much money Mallory will earn in a week, you need to multiply the number of hours she works by her hourly rate.

Mallory works 18 ½ hours a week, which can be expressed as 18.5 hours.

Her hourly rate is $10.80.

To find her weekly earnings, multiply the number of hours (18.5) by the hourly rate ($10.80):

18.5 hours * $10.80/hour = $199.80

Therefore, Mallory will earn $199.80 in a week.

To find out how much money Mallory will earn in a week, you can multiply the number of hours she works by her hourly wage.

First, convert 18 ½ hours into decimals. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, and Mallory works half an hour (30 minutes), you can express 18 ½ hours as 18 hours and 30 minutes, or 18.5 hours.

Next, multiply the number of hours by Mallory's hourly wage of $10.80:

18.5 hours × $10.80/hour = $199.80

Therefore, Mallory will earn $199.80 in a week.

pay = hours * rate