17. Eddie earns $49,000 a year. He works 35 hours

a week, 50 weeks a year. How much money does
Eddie earn per hour?
A $20 B $25
C $23 D $28

We can start by finding Eddie's total number of working hours in a year:

35 hours/week x 50 weeks/year = 1750 hours/year

Then, we can divide Eddie's annual salary by his total number of working hours in a year:

$49,000 รท 1750 hours = $28/hour

Therefore, Eddie earns $28 per hour. The answer is D.

To calculate how much money Eddie earns per hour, you need to divide his annual salary by the number of hours he works in a year.

First, let's calculate the total number of hours Eddie works in a year:
Hours worked per week = 35 hours
Weeks worked per year = 50 weeks

Total hours worked per year = Hours worked per week x Weeks worked per year = 35 hours x 50 weeks

Now, let's calculate Eddie's hourly rate by dividing his annual salary by the total hours worked per year:
Hourly rate = Annual salary / Total hours worked per year = $49,000 / (35 hours x 50 weeks)

Simplifying the calculation:
Hourly rate = $49,000 / 1,750 hours

Now, let's solve for the hourly rate:
Hourly rate = $28

Therefore, Eddie earns $28 per hour.

The correct answer is D) $28.

To find out how much money Eddie earns per hour, we can divide his annual salary by the total number of hours he works in a year.

First, let's calculate the total number of hours Eddie works in a year. Eddie works 35 hours per week, and there are 50 weeks in a year (we assume he takes 2 weeks off for vacation). So, the total number of hours Eddie works in a year is:

35 hours/week * 50 weeks = 1750 hours/year

Next, we divide Eddie's annual salary by the total number of hours he works in a year to find out his hourly rate:

$49,000 annual salary / 1750 hours/year = $28/hour.

So, Eddie earns $28 per hour.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) $28.