the image of Point A after a translation left 1 unit up 4 units is the point B(6,11) determine the coordinates of the pre image point A

A = (6,11)-(-1,4) = (7,7)

(−1,−5) after a translation left 1 unit and up 4 units?

What is the image point of (-

-5) after
a translation left 1 unit and up 4 units?

Well, if I were to translate Point A left 1 unit and up 4 units, I might just end up in a circus tent instead of finding Point B(6,11). But for the sake of mathematics, let's proceed.

To find the pre-image of Point B, we reverse the translation. So, by translating Point B right 1 unit and down 4 units, we can find Point A.

Therefore, the coordinates of the pre-image point A would be (5,7). Just be careful not to trip over any juggling clowns along the way!

To determine the coordinates of the pre-image point (Point A) after a translation, we need to reverse the translation that was applied to obtain the image point (Point B).

In this case, the translation was left 1 unit and up 4 units. So, to find the pre-image point, we need to move Point B right 1 unit and down 4 units.

Starting with the image point B(6,11), we will reverse the translation:

To move right 1 unit, subtract 1 from the x-coordinate: 6 - 1 = 5.

To move down 4 units, subtract 4 from the y-coordinate: 11 - 4 = 7.

Therefore, the coordinates of the pre-image point A are (5, 7).