What is the longitude of a town x whose time is 12:00noon when greenwich meantime is 6:00pm

To determine the longitude of a town when given the time difference between the town and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), you can follow these steps:

1. Calculate the time difference between the town and GMT. In this case, the town's time is 12:00 noon and GMT is 6:00 pm. So, the time difference is 6 hours.

2. Convert the time difference to degrees of longitude. Since the Earth completes one full rotation in 24 hours (360 degrees), each hour corresponds to 360 degrees / 24 hours = 15 degrees of longitude.

3. Multiply the time difference (in hours) by the conversion factor (15 degrees/hour) to find the longitude. In this case, 6 hours * 15 degrees/hour = 90 degrees.

Therefore, if the town's time is 12:00 noon when GMT is 6:00 pm, the town is located at a longitude of 90 degrees.