The distance between two cities on a map is 7.4 centimeters. The map uses a scale in which 1 centimenter is 15 kilometers. What is the actual distance between these two cities in kilometers?

7.4 * 15 = ___ km

joe, the answer is 111

To find the actual distance between the two cities in kilometers, we need to use the provided scale on the map. According to the given information, 1 centimeter on the map represents 15 kilometers in real life.

Since the distance on the map is given as 7.4 centimeters, we can calculate the actual distance by multiplying it with the scale factor:

Actual distance = Distance on map (in centimeters) * Scale factor

Actual distance = 7.4 centimeters * 15 kilometers/centimeter

Actual distance = 111 kilometers

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities is 111 kilometers.