which shows a true conditional with a correctly identified hypothisis and conclusion

In order to identify a true conditional statement with a correctly identified hypothesis and conclusion, we need to understand the structure of a conditional statement. A conditional statement is an "if-then" statement in which one thing is said to be true or false based on the truth or falsity of another thing.

The general format of a conditional statement is:

If <hypothesis>, then <conclusion>.

The hypothesis is the statement that follows the "if" part, and the conclusion is the statement that follows the "then" part.

To determine if a conditional statement is true, both the hypothesis and the conclusion must be true. If the hypothesis is false, the conditional statement as a whole is automatically true, regardless of the truth value of the conclusion.

Here's an example of a true conditional statement with a correctly identified hypothesis and conclusion:

Statement: If it is raining, then the ground is wet.

Hypothesis: It is raining.
Conclusion: The ground is wet.

In this case, if the hypothesis (it is raining) is true, then the conclusion (the ground is wet) is also true. If it is not raining, the truth value of the conclusion is irrelevant since the whole statement is still true.

Remember, a conditional statement can only be considered true if both the hypothesis and the conclusion are true.