To -------- , follow, and mark down what is found in the text.

To follow a text and mark down what is found, you can employ the following steps:

1. Read the text carefully: Start by thoroughly reading the text or passage. Pay attention to details, such as keywords and phrases that may provide useful information.

2. Identify the key elements: Determine the main theme or subject of the text. This will help you focus on the relevant information while ignoring any unrelated details.

3. Take notes: As you read, jot down important points, ideas, or facts that stand out to you. Use a highlighter or underline significant portions in the text. This will help you remember and organize the information as you proceed.

4. Look for supporting evidence: Pay attention to any examples, statistics, or quotes that are mentioned in the text. These can be useful for supporting or elaborating on the main ideas.

5. Analyze the text: Consider the author's perspective, purpose, or tone in writing the text. Think critically about how the information is presented and evaluate its credibility or biases, if applicable.

6. Summarize or paraphrase: Once you have finished reading, try to summarize the main points or ideas in your own words. This will help solidify your understanding of the text and ensure you have absorbed the key information.

By following these steps, you can effectively engage with a text, identify important information, and mark down what is found.