During a glucose tolerance test, the serum glucose concentration of a patient was found to be 1.31 mg/dL. Convert the concentration to grams per liter. Do not use scientific notation when reporting your answer.


1.31 mg/dL x (10 dL/1L) x (1 g/1000mg) =

1.31 mg/dL = 13.1 mg/L = 0.0131 g/L

To convert the concentration from mg/dL to g/L, you need to multiply it by a conversion factor.

1 mg is equal to 0.001 g, and 1 dL is equal to 0.1 L.

Using these conversion factors, you can calculate the concentration in g/L as follows:

1.31 mg/dL × 0.001 g/mg × 0.1 L/dL = 0.000131 g/L

Therefore, the concentration is 0.000131 g/L.

To convert the concentration from milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) to grams per liter (g/L), you need to use the following conversion factors:

1 g = 1000 mg (since there are 1000 milligrams in a gram)
1 L = 10 dL (since there are 10 deciliters in a liter)

Now, let's do the conversion:

Given concentration: 1.31 mg/dL

First, convert from milligrams (mg) to grams (g):
1.31 mg × (1 g / 1000 mg) = 0.00131 g

Next, convert from deciliters (dL) to liters (L):
0.00131 g × (1 L / 10 dL) = 0.000131 g/L

So, the concentration of 1.31 mg/dL is equal to 0.000131 g/L.

Therefore, the answer to the question is:

____[a]____0.000131 g/L