How did the Missouri Compromise preserve a balance of power in the Senate?

a.The compromise allowed voters to add territory to their state.

b.The compromise provided for an equal total population in the states and territories

c.The compromise allowed voters to decide on whether to allow slavery in their state or territory

d.The compromise provided for an equal number of states in the North and in the South
I think the answer is D

2.How did the Compromise of 1850 cause tensions between northerners and southerners?

a.It allowed northerners to protect slaves who had escaped to the north.

b.Voters south of the original Missouri Compromise line lost more slave territory to the North with the addition of New Mexico and Utah.

c.It allowed the slave trade to continue in Washington D.C.

d.Voters north of the original Missouri Compromise line could decide on slavery by popular sovereignty.
My answer is A

4.What is the significance of the Free-Soil Party in the election of 1848?

a.The new political party called for separation of the Northern free states and the Southern slave states and their failure led to the creation of the Confederacy.

b.The new political party called for a ban on slavery in the new territories and their success showed that slavery had become a national issue.

c.The new political party called for abolition of slavery across the United States and their success showed how the country was moving away from using slavery.

d.The new political party called for Southerners to be able to choose to spread slavery and their failure showed the division the country continued to face.
I think it's C

5.In what way did Uncle Tom’s Cabin fail to change the attitude of Southerners about slavery?

a.They felt slavery was none of their concern.

b.They claimed it did not give credit to the original author.

c.They claimed it did not give a true picture of slavery in the South.

d.They viewed slavery as a political problem.
I think it is C

6.As leader of the Republican Party, Lincoln was outspoken in his views on slavery and expressed them during the debates of 1858. Which of the following would best fit with his position?

a. Dred Scott v. Sandford

b.Compromise of 1850

c. Fugitive Slave Act

d. Wilmot Proviso
I think the answer is C

7.Neither Stephan Douglas nor Abraham Lincoln approved of slavery, so what disagreement did they have?

a. Douglas wanted to allow territories to decide slavery using popular sovereignty, Lincoln was opposed to allowing slavery in the territories.

b. Lincoln wanted to oppose slavery altogether, Douglas wanted to continue the Missouri Compromise line into new territory out west.

c. Lincoln wanted to allow the territories to decide on slavery using the popular vote, Douglas wanted Congress to decide on slavery in the territories.

d. Douglas wanted to oppose slavery altogether, Lincoln wanted to follow the Kansas-Nebraska Act
I think that the answer is B

Use the quote below to answer the question: Why did the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision anger Northerners?
Frederick Douglass, Collected Speeches, 1857
"This infamous decision maintains that slaves...are property in the same sense that horses, sheep and swine are property...that [people] of African descent are not and cannot be citizens of the United States.
All I ask of the American people is that they live up to the Constitution, adopt its principles, [take in] its spirit, and enforce its provisions. When this is done...liberty..will become the inheritance of all the inhabitants of this highly favored country."

a. It stated Congress did not have the power to outlaw slavery in any territory.

b. It sought to continue the Missouri Compromise answer to slavery.

c. It stated that Northerners must permit slavery in the Northern states.

d. It created popular sovereignty as the rule for all territories.
I think the answer is D

Can you check my answers pls

anyone got the answers?

can someone please help with the answers i really need help im running out of excuses to tell my mom :/

Sure, here are the correct answers:

1. The correct answer is C. The Missouri Compromise allowed voters to decide on whether to allow slavery in their state or territory. It did not provide for an equal number of states in the North and South.

2. The correct answer is B. The Compromise of 1850 caused tensions between northerners and southerners because voters south of the original Missouri Compromise line lost more slave territory to the North with the addition of New Mexico and Utah.

4. The correct answer is B. The significance of the Free-Soil Party in the election of 1848 is that the new political party called for a ban on slavery in the new territories, and their success showed that slavery had become a national issue.

5. The correct answer is C. Uncle Tom's Cabin was claimed by Southerners to not give a true picture of slavery in the South, and thus it failed to change their attitude.

6. The correct answer is D. The debates of 1858 were primarily focused on the issue of slavery, and the Wilmot Proviso was a proposed law that aimed to ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico. Lincoln's position would align with advocating for the ban on slavery in the territories.

7. The correct answer is A. Stephen Douglas wanted to allow territories to decide on slavery using popular sovereignty, while Abraham Lincoln was opposed to allowing slavery in the territories.

Using the quote provided, the correct answer is A. The Dred Scott v. Sandford decision angered Northerners because it stated that Congress did not have the power to outlaw slavery in any territory, thereby undermining previous attempts to limit the spread of slavery.

Great job on your answers!