Harshini rode her bicycle 13.76 kilometers on Monday, 9.8 kilometers on Wednesday, and 16.415 kilometers on Friday. She used the addition below to determine the total distance she rode over the three days.

13.76 + 9.8 + 16.415 = 39.975. All decimal points are aligned.

Which method determines whether her answer is reasonable?

Remove the decimal points and add 137 + 98 + 16415 = 17,889; since 17,889 is not close to 39.975, her answer is not reasonable.

Round all the numbers to 20; since 20 + 20 + 20 = 60 and 60 is not close to 39.975, her answer is not reasonable.

Round all the numbers to 10; since 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 and 30 is close to 39.975, her answer is reasonable.

Round 13.76 to 14, round 9.8 to 10, and round 16.415 to 16; since 14 + 10 + 16 = 40 and 40 is close to 39.975, her answer is reasonable.

its the last one

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htps//Harshini rode her bicycle 13.76 kilometers on Monday, 9.8 kilometers on Wednesday, and 16.415 kilometers on Friday. She used the addition below to determine the total distance she rode over the three days.

13.76 + 9.8 + 16.415 = 39.975. All decimal points are aligned.

Which method determines whether her answer is reasonable?
Remove the decimal points and add 137 + 98 + 16415 = 17,889; since 17,889 is not close to 39.975, her answer is not reasonable.
Round all the numbers to 20; since 20 + 20 + 20 = 60 and 60 is not close to 39.975, her answer is not reasonable.
Round all the numbers to 10; since 10 + 10 + 10 = 30 and 30 is close to 39.975, her answer is reasonable.
Round 13.76 to 14, round 9.8 to 10, and round 16.415 to 16; since 14 + 10 + 16 = 40 and 40 is close to 39.975, her answer is reasonable.////.com.org

The method that determines whether Harshini's answer is reasonable is to round all the numbers to the nearest whole number and then add them up.

Let's go through each option:

1. Removing the decimal points and adding: If we remove the decimal points and add 137 + 98 + 16415, we get 17,650. Since this result is not close to 39.975, her answer is not reasonable.

2. Rounding all the numbers to 20: If we round all the numbers to 20 and add them up, we get 20 + 20 + 20 = 60. Since 60 is not close to 39.975, her answer is not reasonable.

3. Rounding all the numbers to 10: If we round all the numbers to 10 and add them up, we get 10 + 10 + 10 = 30. Though 30 is closer to 39.975 than the previous options, it is still not a very close approximation. Therefore, her answer is still not reasonable.

4. Rounding 13.76 to 14, rounding 9.8 to 10, and rounding 16.415 to 16: If we round the numbers in this way and add them up, we get 14 + 10 + 16 = 40. This result is close to 39.975 and is a better approximation than the previous options. Therefore, her answer is reasonable.

So, the method that determines her answer to be reasonable is to round 13.76 to 14, round 9.8 to 10, and round 16.415 to 16.

pls hurry