8. Which one of the worst factors that influence your house maybe the most difficult for you to control the young teen?

A. Do you exercise every day for 60 minutes?

B. Have you developed healthy and supportive friendships? *********

C. Do you brush your teeth every night before bed?

D. Do you see a doctor for a regular check ups?

Ms Sue passed away quite a while ago, but I agree with you.

Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I had no clue! Thank you

Ms. Sue?? I really need help this test is very important

To determine which one of the worst factors that may be most difficult for a young teen to control in influencing their house, you can evaluate the given options:

A. Do you exercise every day for 60 minutes?
B. Have you developed healthy and supportive friendships?
C. Do you brush your teeth every night before bed?
D. Do you see a doctor for regular check-ups?

Out of these options, option B, "Have you developed healthy and supportive friendships?" could potentially be the most difficult factor to control for a young teen.

To answer this question, you can consider that as a young teen, the individual may not have full control over who they interact with or the nature of their friendships. Factors such as social dynamics in school, peer pressure, and external influences can greatly impact the development of supportive and healthy friendships.

To address this issue, the young teen can take certain steps to improve their likelihood of developing healthy and supportive friendships. They can focus on building positive relationships with peers who share similar values and interests, joining clubs or extracurricular activities where they can meet like-minded individuals, and seeking guidance from trusted adults such as parents, teachers, or counselors to help navigate social situations.

It's essential for a young teen to understand the importance of surrounding themselves with friends who have a positive influence, as this can significantly impact their overall well-being and happiness. Developing these friendships may require effort, patience, and open communication, but it ultimately can be a rewarding process for a young teen in influencing their household positively.