c14h30 iupac name


IUPAC name given on the right side block.

The IUPAC name for C14H30 is Tetradecane.

To determine the IUPAC name of a compound, we need to follow a set of rules provided by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

In the given molecular formula, C14H30, we can first determine the structure of the compound based on its molecular formula. Here, we have 14 carbon (C) atoms and 30 hydrogen (H) atoms. Based on these counts, it appears to be an alkane.

Now let's determine the IUPAC name step by step:

Step 1: Identify the longest continuous carbon chain. In this case, we have 14 carbon atoms, which makes it a tetradecane.

Step 2: Number the carbon atoms in the chain from one end to the other, starting with the end closest to a substituent. Since there are no substituents mentioned in the question, we can start numbering from either end of the carbon chain.

Step 3: Name the substituents, if any. In this case, there are no substituents mentioned, so we can skip this step.

Step 4: Write the complete IUPAC name by combining the names of the substituents (if any) and the name of the main carbon chain. Therefore, the IUPAC name for C14H30 is tetradecane.

So, the IUPAC name for C14H30 is "tetradecane."