It rained 58% of the time during month of April last year. Write a fraction

and a decimal that is equivalent to the part of April that it DIDN’T rain. Make sure the fraction is in its simplest form.




42/100 = 21/50

To find the fraction equivalent to the part of April that it DIDN'T rain, we can subtract the percentage of time it rained (58%) from 100%.

First, let's find the fraction:
The percentage 100% can be written as the fraction 1/1 (since "percent" means "per hundred", or "out of 100").
Subtracting 58% from 100%, we get 42%.

So, the fraction equivalent to the part of April that it DIDN'T rain is 42/100.

Now, let's simplify the fraction:
The numerator (42) and denominator (100) of the fraction have a common factor of 2.

Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2, we get:
42 ÷ 2 = 21
100 ÷ 2 = 50

Therefore, the simplest form of 42/100 is 21/50.

Now, let's find the decimal equivalent:
To convert the fraction into a decimal, we divide the numerator (21) by the denominator (50).

Dividing 21 by 50, we get:

Therefore, the decimal equivalent to the part of April that it DIDN'T rain is 0.42.