Tim buys three 6-packs of apple juice boxes and five 4-packs of cranberry juice boxes for his party.Write an expression to match the words. How many boxes of juice does Tim buy?

3*6 + 5*4 = ____

24 boxes

To find the total number of juice boxes that Tim buys, we need to calculate the sum of the apple juice boxes and the cranberry juice boxes.

Tim buys three 6-packs of apple juice boxes, which means he buys 3 sets of 6 apple juice boxes. To find the number of apple juice boxes, we can multiply 3 by 6. So, the number of apple juice boxes Tim buys is 3 * 6 = 18.

The expression for the apple juice boxes is: 3 * 6 = 18.

Similarly, Tim buys five 4-packs of cranberry juice boxes. This means he buys 5 sets of 4 cranberry juice boxes. To calculate the number of cranberry juice boxes, we can multiply 5 by 4. So, the number of cranberry juice boxes Tim buys is 5 * 4 = 20.

The expression for the cranberry juice boxes is: 5 * 4 = 20.

To find the total number of juice boxes Tim buys, we add the number of apple juice boxes and the number of cranberry juice boxes: 18 + 20 = 38.

Therefore, the expression to match the words "How many boxes of juice does Tim buy?" would be: 18 + 20 = 38.