Which descriptive detail best conveys authors rule point stieglitz an O’Keeffe had a very strong marriage

To identify the descriptive detail that best conveys the authors' rule point that Stieglitz and O'Keeffe had a very strong marriage, you will need to analyze the text or source where this information is mentioned. Look for specific details or evidence provided by the author that illustrate the strength of their marriage. The following steps can be helpful:

1. Identify the source: Determine the source of information you are referring to. Is it an article, book, biography, or any other kind of writing? This will help you contextualize the information and understand the perspective of the author.

2. Read the text: Carefully read the relevant text, paying attention to any details or descriptions related to the strength of Stieglitz and O'Keeffe's marriage. Look for specific actions, qualities, or anecdotes that highlight a solid union between the two.

3. Evaluate supporting evidence: Consider any evidence provided by the author to support the claim of a strong marriage. This evidence may include direct quotes from the couple or observations made by those close to them. Assess the credibility and reliability of the evidence presented.

4. Consider overall context: Take into account the broader context of the text or source. Analyze the author's purpose, tone, and any additional information they may provide about the relationship between Stieglitz and O'Keeffe. This can help you better understand the intended message or rule point the author is trying to convey.

By closely examining the source and evaluating the evidence and context, you will be able to identify the descriptive detail that best conveys the authors' rule point about the strong marriage between Stieglitz and O'Keeffe.