Which ruin is about 140 miles southwest from Copän?

Is it more than 100 miles straight from La Armelia to the border of Belize?

To find the ruin that is about 140 miles southwest from Copán, we can use a map or a mapping tool. Here are the steps to find the answer:

1. Open a map or use a mapping tool like Google Maps.
2. Locate the city of Copán or Copán Ruinas on the map.
3. Measure approximately 140 miles in a southwest direction from Copán.
4. Look for any notable ruins or archaeological sites in that area.

It is important to note that the specific ruin that is about 140 miles southwest from Copán may not be mentioned, so additional research might be needed to identify the exact site.

Regarding the second question, to determine if it is more than 100 miles straight from La Armelia to the border of Belize, we can follow these steps:

1. Find the location of La Armelia on a map or mapping tool.
2. Locate the border of Belize on the map.
3. Measure the straight-line distance between La Armelia and the Belize border.
4. Check if the distance is more than 100 miles.

Using a mapping tool, such as Google Maps, can make these measurements easier as they provide distance measurements between locations.