If Chase runs 5 miles in 60 minutes, how far will he run in 3 hours if he continues to run at the same rate?(1 point)


0.067 miles
0.067 miles

36 miles
36 miles

14 miles
Start Fraction 1 over 4 End Fraction miles

15 miles

36 miles

To find out how far Chase will run in 3 hours, we can use the given information that he runs 5 miles in 60 minutes.

Step 1: Calculate the distance Chase runs in one hour.
We know that Chase runs 5 miles in 60 minutes, so to find out how far he runs in one hour, we divide 5 by 60.
5 miles ÷ 60 minutes = 0.0833 miles per minute

Step 2: Calculate the distance Chase runs in 3 hours.
Since Chase maintains the same rate, we can multiply the distance he runs in one hour by 3.
0.0833 miles per minute × 3 hours = 0.25 miles per minute

So, Chase will run 0.25 miles in 3 hours if he continues to run at the same rate.

To find the distance Chase will run in 3 hours, we need to calculate the distance he runs in one hour and then multiply that by 3.

We know that Chase runs 5 miles in 60 minutes, so the distance he runs in one minute can be found by dividing 5 miles by 60 minutes:

5 miles / 60 minutes = 1/12 miles per minute

Now, to find the distance he runs in one hour, we need to multiply the distance per minute by 60:

(1/12 miles per minute) x 60 minutes = 5 miles

So, Chase runs 5 miles in one hour.

To find the distance he will run in 3 hours, we multiply the distance per hour by 3:

5 miles x 3 hours = 15 miles

Therefore, Chase will run 15 miles in 3 hours if he continues to run at the same rate.