As a volley ball match was being played in town Y, the referee observed that the local time was noon while the Greenwich mean time was 22 hours on the same day. What was the longitude of town Y

To determine the longitude of town Y, we need to calculate the time difference between the local time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and then convert it into degrees of longitude.

Step 1: Calculate the time difference
The referee observed that the local time in town Y was noon, which means it was 12:00 PM. The GMT was 22 hours on the same day.

The difference between the local time and GMT is (local time - GMT) = 12:00 PM - 22:00 PM = -10 hours.

Step 2: Convert the time difference to degrees of longitude
There are 24 time zones around the world, with each time zone covering 15 degrees of longitude. This means that for each hour of time difference, the longitude changes by 15 degrees.

To calculate the longitude, we multiply the time difference (in hours) by the degrees covered per hour.

Longitude = Time difference × Degrees per hour
Longitude = (-10 hours) × (15 degrees/hour)
Longitude = -150 degrees

Therefore, the longitude of town Y is -150 degrees. Note that negative longitudes are used for locations west of the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude), also known as the Greenwich Meridian.