i eat sleep and drink im dumb but very wise, im not rich but im not poor, and i cant touch my toes

Based on the information provided, it seems like you are describing a person who has some interesting qualities. Let's break down each characteristic and attempt to find an answer:

1. "I eat, sleep, and drink" - These actions are basic necessities for human survival. Everybody needs to eat, sleep, and drink to sustain themselves.

2. "I'm dumb but very wise" - This seems contradictory, but it could suggest that the person may lack certain intellectual abilities or knowledge in some areas, yet possesses wisdom or insight in other aspects of life.

3. "I'm not rich but not poor" - This implies that the person's financial status falls somewhere in the middle. They may have enough to meet their basic needs but may not possess excessive wealth.

4. "I can't touch my toes" - This is a physical limitation mentioned in the riddle. It suggests that the person might have difficulty with flexibility or reaching their toes, possibly indicating a lack of physical fitness or flexibility.

Considering all the given characteristics, it appears that the answer to the riddle could be an average person who leads a simple life, possesses some wisdom or insight despite their perceived lack of intelligence, and has average financial means.