can somebody give me a company/brand logo (like the Mcdonalds M)

that demonstrates a dilation and rotational symmetry?
I cant find any :|

Target has dilation and radial symmetry

Cmon people is it really that hard?

Symmetrical logos are logos in which the right and left side are identical.

McDonalds have a symmetrical logo.

oh thanks oobleck! thats perfect!

i just read the post from @bosnain and didnt see yours

Sure! Finding a company logo that demonstrates both dilation and rotational symmetry can be a bit challenging since many logos do not possess these specific characteristics. However, I can provide you with an example of a logo that demonstrates rotation symmetry.

One such logo is the BP (British Petroleum) logo. The logo consists of a flower-like shape with green and yellow colors. The petals of the flower form a central geometric shape. This logo exhibits rotational symmetry because it can be rotated around its center point by certain angles (e.g., 120 degrees or 180 degrees) and still maintain its original appearance.

As for a logo that demonstrates dilation symmetry (also known as scale symmetry), it might be more difficult to find one that specifically demonstrates this property. Dilation symmetry is when an object can be enlarged or reduced by a constant scale factor while maintaining its overall shape and proportions. This is less commonly seen in brand logos.

However, you can try searching for logos of companies that involve natural patterns or shapes, such as flower-related brands or those associated with art and design. These types of logos may potentially exhibit dilation symmetry.

Keep in mind that finding particular logos that demonstrate both dilation and rotational symmetry might still be challenging. However, it's worth exploring various logo designs and analyzing their symmetrical properties to identify any potential examples.

that's not what i asked, i didn't ask for that type symmetry, but thanks for trying....