The number "43849" written to 4 significant figures



make that E4 and we can all go home.

Nuts. I can't count past 3.

To write the number "43849" to 4 significant figures, we need to round it accordingly.

Significant figures are the meaningful digits in a number, excluding leading and trailing zeros. In this case, all non-zero digits (4, 3, 8, and 9) are significant figures.

To round the number to 4 significant figures, we need to consider the fifth digit. In this case, the fifth digit is 9.

If the fifth digit is 5 or greater, we round up the last significant figure. If it is less than 5, we keep the last significant figure as it is.

In this case, the fifth digit is 9, which means that the last significant figure (the fourth significant figure) needs to be rounded up.

Therefore, the number "43849" written to 4 significant figures is "43850".