The distance between Milltown and Summerville is 3.5 inches on a map. If the map scale is 1 inch = 20 miles, what is the actual distance between the towns?

The distance between Milltown and Summerville is 3.5 inches on a map. If the map scale is 1 inch = 20 miles, what is the actual distance between the towns?

why ask it twice?

3.5in * 20mi/in = 70 mi

To find the actual distance between the towns, we need to use the map scale.

Given that 1 inch on the map represents 20 miles, we can set up the following proportion to find the actual distance:

1 inch / 20 miles = 3.5 inches / x miles

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 inch * x miles = 20 miles * 3.5 inches

Simplifying, we have:

x = (20 miles * 3.5 inches) / 1 inch

x = 70 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between Milltown and Summerville is 70 miles.

To find the actual distance between the towns, you need to divide the distance on the map by the scale.

First, let's convert the distance on the map from inches to miles:

3.5 inches × (1 inch/20 miles) = 3.5/20 miles

Next, we simplify the fraction:

3.5/20 miles = 0.175 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between Milltown and Summerville is 0.175 miles.

Your wrong its 65