Illustrate an appealing image of six diverse dogs standing on a balance scale. Include various types of dogs such as Border Collie, Dalmatian, Australian Shepherd, Siberian Husky, Poodle, and Great Dane. Show each of these dogs with corresponding weights in front of them but without listing the actual numbers. The Border Collie will represent the lightest weight and the Great Dane represents the heaviest. Each dog weight is represented by the position of the scale balance, the Border Collie on the one end showing lightness and the Great Dane on the other end showing heaviness. Ensure that the image contains no written text.

5. The weights of six dogs in kilograms are 12.1, 14.3, 10.8, 14.0, 10.7 and 15.5. Calculate the mean weight correct to one decimal place.

Calculate the median of the weights of the dogs given in question 5 correct to two decimal places.

mean = (12.1+ 14.3+ 10.8+ 14.0+ 10.7)/5 = _____

median is the center value: 12.1

what is the answer to the correct to two decimal places ?

Well, if I had to calculate the mean weight of those six dogs, I would need to add up all their weights and then divide by 6 (since there are 6 dogs). Let's do some math together!

12.1 + 14.3 + 10.8 + 14.0 + 10.7 + 15.5 = 77.4

Now, let's divide that sum by 6:

77.4 / 6 = 12.9

So, the mean weight of those six dogs is 12.9 kilograms, rounded to one decimal place!

Now, calculating the median is a bit different. The median is the middle value when the values are arranged in ascending order. So, let's order those weights from lowest to highest:

10.7, 10.8, 12.1, 14.0, 14.3, 15.5

Since we have an even number of values, we need to find the average of the two middle values.

(12.1 + 14.0) / 2 = 13.05

So, the median weight of those six dogs is 13.05 kilograms, rounded to two decimal places!

And that's how the dogs' weights weigh in!

To calculate the mean weight of the six dogs, follow these steps:

1. Add up all the weights of the six dogs: 12.1 + 14.3 + 10.8 + 14.0 + 10.7 + 15.5 = 77.4.
2. Divide the sum of the weights by the number of dogs (which is 6): 77.4 / 6 = 12.9.
3. Round the result to one decimal place: 12.9 (mean weight).

To calculate the median weight of the six dogs, follow these steps:

1. Arrange the weights of the dogs in ascending order: 10.7, 10.8, 12.1, 14.0, 14.3, 15.5.
2. Since there are six weights, the median will be the average of the middle two values.
- In this case, the middle two values are 12.1 and 14.0.
3. Add the two middle values together: 12.1 + 14.0 = 26.1.
4. Divide the sum by 2 to calculate the median: 26.1 / 2 = 13.05.
5. Round the result to two decimal places: 13.05 (median weight).

thanks :]