Write a Q basic program to calculate the Area of a circle

assuming you know Q Basic syntax, just code up the formula

pi = 3.1416
A = pi*r^2

Certainly! Here's a QBasic program to calculate the area of a circle:


PI = 3.14159

PRINT "Enter the radius of the circle:"
INPUT radius

area = PI * radius * radius

PRINT "The area of the circle is: "; area


To understand how this program works, let me explain it step by step:

1. `SCREEN 12`: This line sets the screen mode to 640x480 resolution.

2. `DIM PI AS SINGLE` declares a variable `PI` as a single precision floating-point number. We initialize it with the value of pi (approximately 3.14159).

3. `PRINT "Enter the radius of the circle:"` prompts the user to input the radius of the circle.

4. `INPUT radius` reads the user input and stores it in the variable `radius`.

5. `area = PI * radius * radius` calculates the area of the circle by multiplying the square of the radius with the value of pi.

6. `PRINT "The area of the circle is: "; area` displays the calculated area on the screen.

7. `END` terminates the program.

To run the program, you can use a QBasic interpreter or emulator. Simply copy the program into a QBasic editor, save it with a .BAS extension, and run it. The program will prompt you to enter the radius, and it will display the calculated area on the screen.

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Where is the answer