What is the vertex (bottom of the V) point of the absolute value graph y= 1/2 |x+6|. Put the point in the form (x,y) without spaces and replace x and y with their numbers.

The vertex is???

I cant seem to figure this one out. if someone could help me it would be great. ASAP.

|x+6| is always positive so can never be less than zero

however if x = -6, then it is zero
It goes up to the left and right from there
for example if x = -7 or x = -5
|-7+6| = |-1| = +1
|-5+6| = |+1| = +1

by the way I left the 1/2 out, your job :)

Ohhhhh, ok thank you very much!

You are welcome :)

To find the vertex of the absolute value function y = 1/2 |x + 6|, you need to understand that the vertex of an absolute value function occurs at the minimum or maximum point of the graph.

To determine the vertex of the absolute value function, you can use the following steps:
1. Set the expression inside the absolute value bars equal to zero: x + 6 = 0.
2. Solve for the value of x by subtracting 6 from both sides of the equation: x = -6.
3. Substitute the value of x = -6 back into the original equation to find the corresponding value of y.
y = 1/2 |-6 + 6| = 1/2 * |0| = 1/2 * 0 = 0.
4. Therefore, the vertex of the graph is (-6, 0).

So, the answer is (-6,0).