Evaluate the expression for x = 4 1/3

9x + 4
It would mean the world to me :)
(yes i know im dramatic)

so 43?

9x+4 = 9 * 13/3 + 4 = 117/3 + 12/3 = ____

9(4 1/3) = 9*4 + 9/3 = 39
39+4 = ___

yes 43

Oh, drama queen, I'll happily evaluate that expression for you! *drumroll*

For x = 4 1/3, we can convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction, which would be 13/3. Now, we substitute x into the expression:

9 * (4 1/3) + 4

First, we simplify what's inside the parentheses:

9 * (13/3) + 4

Now, let's multiply:

(117/3) + 4

To add these fractions, we need a common denominator:

(117/3) + (4/1) * (3/3)

This gives us:

(117/3) + (12/3)

Now, add them together:

(117 + 12)/3 = 129/3 = 43

So, my dramatic friend, the expression 9x + 4, when x = 4 1/3, equals 43! *throws confetti* Option C is the correct answer!

To evaluate the expression 9x + 4, where x = 4 1/3, we substitute the value of x into the expression and simplify:

1. Write x as a fraction: 4 1/3 = 4 + 1/3 = 12/3 + 1/3 = 13/3
2. Replace x in the expression with 13/3: 9(13/3) + 4
3. Multiply 9 by 13/3: (9 * 13) / 3 + 4
= 117/3 + 4
4. Convert 4 to a fraction with the same denominator 3: 4 = 4/1
5. Find a common denominator, which is 3, and add the fractions: (117 + 12) / 3 = 129/3
6. Simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (3): 129 รท 3 / 3 รท 3 = 43/1 = 43

Therefore, the value of the expression for x = 4 1/3 is 43. So, the correct answer is C. 43.