Riley's monthly bank statement showed the following deposits and withdrawals:

-−$105.11, -−$33.75, $113.62, $119.42, $29.64
If Riley's balance in the account was $35.27 at the beginning of the month, what was the account balance at the end of the month?


you're welcome :)


-------------- so add

Thank you both!

To find the account balance at the end of the month, we can start with the initial balance and then add all the deposits and subtract all the withdrawals.

Step 1: Start with the initial balance
Riley's balance at the beginning of the month was $35.27.

Step 2: Add all the deposits
Add the deposits to the initial balance:
35.27 + 113.62 + 119.42 + 29.64 = 297.95

Step 3: Subtract all the withdrawals
Subtract the withdrawals from the balance calculated in Step 2:
297.95 - 105.11 - 33.75 = 159.09

Therefore, the account balance at the end of the month is $159.09.