Choose the sentence that uses the semicolon correctly.

A. Hector’s mother is a painter she told him; about Grandma Moses.
B. Hector’s mother is a painter; she told him about Grandma Moses.
C. Hector’s mother is a painter she told; him about Grandma Moses.

The sentence that uses the semicolon correctly is option B: "Hector's mother is a painter; she told him about Grandma Moses."

When using a semicolon, it is important to separate two closely related independent clauses or complete thoughts. In this sentence, the two independent clauses are "Hector's mother is a painter" and "she told him about Grandma Moses." The semicolon appropriately separates these clauses while indicating that they are closely connected. Option A does not need a semicolon because it lacks a complete thought after the semicolon. Option C incorrectly places the semicolon between the verb "told" and its direct object "him," which breaks the sentence structure.