The sum of two numbers is 100. which of following could be new sum if one of number is rounded to nearest tens


Very urgent ..plse help

55+45 = 100

55+50 = 105
assuming that you round up from 5

Thank you

To find the new sum if one of the numbers is rounded to the nearest tens, we need to consider the possible values that the rounded number can take.

Let's call the two numbers x and y, where x is rounded to the nearest tens.

According to the question, the sum of the two numbers is 100, so we have the equation:

x + y = 100

To find the new sum, we need to consider the possible values that x can take after rounding to the nearest tens.

If x is rounded to the nearest tens, it can take values between (x - 5) and (x + 5).

Let's consider each given option and check if it is possible for the new sum:

1. If x is rounded to 110, then the range of x is (105, 115). In this case, none of the options match the condition x + y = 100.

2. If x is rounded to 105, then the range of x is (100, 110). In this case, the possible value for y is 100 - 105 = -5. However, y cannot be a negative number, so 105 is not a valid option.

3. If x is rounded to 94, then the range of x is (89, 99). In this case, we can calculate the possible value for y as 100 - 94 = 6. So, one possible new sum is 94 + 6 = 100.

4. If x is rounded to 90, then the range of x is (85, 95). In this case, the possible value for y is 100 - 90 = 10. So, another possible new sum is 90 + 10 = 100.

Therefore, out of the given options, the possible new sums are 94 and 90.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to approach and solve this problem.