A recipe Carmen is making calls for 4 cups of milk. She has 1 liter of milk. Her sister says she has enough milk. Is her sister correct?

4 cups is a quart , which is slightly less than a liter

the sister is correct

no she is not correct

In order to determine if Carmen has enough milk for the recipe, we need to convert the amount of milk in liters to cups.

1 liter is equal to 4.227 cups.

Carmen has 1 liter of milk, which is approximately 4.227 cups.

The recipe calls for 4 cups of milk.

Since Carmen has slightly more than 4 cups of milk, her sister is correct in saying that she has enough milk for the recipe.

To determine if Carmen's sister is correct, we need to compare the amount of milk Carmen has (1 liter) with the amount called for in the recipe (4 cups).

First, we need to convert the given liters of milk into cups. 1 liter is equivalent to 4.23 cups.

So, 1 liter of milk is approximately equal to 4.23 cups.

Now, let's compare the amount of milk Carmen has with the amount called for in the recipe:
- Carmen has 1 liter of milk, which is approximately 4.23 cups.
- The recipe calls for 4 cups of milk.

Since 4.23 cups is greater than 4 cups, Carmen has more milk than the recipe requires. Therefore, Carmen's sister is correct in saying that she has enough milk.