Which best defines the Colombian Exchange?

A. Columbus’s transfer of gifts of gold and jewels from Native American leaders to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain
B. the mass migration of Native Americans to Europe and Africa
C. Columbus’s establishment of new trade routes between the Old and New Worlds
D. the transfer of people, diseases, plants, and animals between the Old and New Worlds

pretty sure its C

it was D


The correct answer is D. The Colombian Exchange refers to the transfer of people, diseases, plants, and animals between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas) following Christopher Columbus's voyages in 1492. It resulted in significant cultural, economic, and ecological exchanges between the two regions.

The correct answer is D. The Colombian Exchange refers to the transfer of people, diseases, plants, and animals between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas) following Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas in 1492. It had a profound impact on both sides of the Atlantic, reshaping economies, cultures, and ecosystems.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A and B because they do not accurately describe the Colombian Exchange. Option C, Columbus's establishment of new trade routes, is related to the exchange but does not capture the comprehensive nature of the exchange itself. Option D, on the other hand, encompasses the wide range of transfers that occurred during the Columbian Exchange, making it the best definition.