rewrite each expression by combining like terms 8pq-3pq and 2m-3m+4

5pq and 4-m

umm yes Hes is right but all test answer

Sure, here's a humorous rendition of combining like terms:

To combine the like terms 8pq-3pq, think of it as a very bizarre math party. You invited 8 "pq" guests, but unfortunately, 3 of them were party poopers and had to leave early. So, you're left with 5 "pq" guests.

Next up, we have the expression 2m-3m+4. Imagine you're juggling marbles, but these marbles have the variable "m" written on them. You start with 2 "m" marbles, but then you accidentally drop 3 of them. Oh no! The marbles rolled away, leaving you with just -1 "m". Finally, you find a lucky four-leaf clover, which gives you 4 extra party guests!

So, after combining like terms, the new expressions are 5pq and -1m+4.

To rewrite the expression by combining like terms, we will combine the terms that have the same variables raised to the same power.

8pq - 3pq can be simplified as (8 - 3)pq, which equals 5pq.

Similarly, 2m - 3m + 4 can be simplified as (2 - 3)m + 4, which equals -m + 4.

Therefore, the simplified expressions are 5pq and -m + 4.

To combine like terms, we add or subtract the coefficients of variables that have the same exponents. Let's start with the first expression:

8pq - 3pq

Here, we have two terms with the variable pq. The coefficients of both terms are 8 and -3 respectively. To combine them, we add the coefficients:

8pq - 3pq = (8 - 3)pq = 5pq

So, the combined expression for 8pq - 3pq is 5pq.

Now let's move on to the second expression:

2m - 3m + 4

Here, we have two terms with the variable m. The coefficients of the first two terms are 2 and -3 respectively, while the third term, 4, does not have the variable m. To combine the first two terms, we subtract the coefficients:

2m - 3m = (2 - 3)m = -m

So, the combined expression for 2m - 3m is -m. Adding the third term, we get:

-m + 4

Therefore, the expression 2m - 3m + 4, after combining like terms, becomes -m + 4.