Individual criminals and crimes can form part of a long-term investigation, but they are usually leads contributing to the bigger picture.

Is the previous statement true or false?


To determine whether the previous statement is true or false, we first need to understand its context. The statement suggests that individual criminals and crimes are typically considered leads that contribute to a broader investigation. Here's how you can arrive at the answer:

1. Examine the statement: Read the statement carefully and identify the key components. In this case, the key components are "individual criminals and crimes," "long-term investigation," and "leads contributing to the bigger picture."

2. Analyze each component: Consider the logic of the statement and how each component relates to the others. Are individual criminals and crimes typically part of a long-term investigation? Are they often considered leads that contribute to a broader understanding?

3. Evaluate supporting evidence: Consider your existing knowledge or conduct research to find evidence that either supports or contradicts the statement. Look for examples or expert opinions that can provide insights into the nature of investigations and their relation to individual criminals and crimes.

Based on this analysis, it is likely that the statement is true. Investigations are commonly conducted over an extended period, focusing on different individuals and crimes that contribute to building a comprehensive understanding of a broader criminal activity or pattern. Individual criminals and crimes can provide valuable leads that lead investigators closer to uncovering the bigger picture.

Remember, arriving at an answer involves critically evaluating the components, analyzing the logic, and considering supporting evidence.