Tiffany, Isaac, and Riley wanted to demonstrate their knowledge of chemical reactions. So, Tiffany and Isaac sat on a bench together. Riley asked Isaac to get up and leave the bench, then sat in his place. Which type of chemical reaction does this demonstrate?

Single replacement
Acid-base reaction
Decomposition reaction
Double replacement

I think it's the first one but I'm not sure.

yes. Single replacement.

A + BC ==> AC + B

thank you both

The scenario described does not involve a chemical reaction. Instead, it describes a situation where two people - Tiffany and Isaac - are sitting on a bench together. Riley asks Isaac to get up and leave the bench, and then Riley sits in Isaac's place. This is simply a physical movement and rearrangement of people, not a chemical reaction.

To identify a chemical reaction, you would typically look for changes in the chemical composition of substances, such as the formation or breaking of bonds, or the rearrangement of atoms. In this case, there is no evidence of any chemical substances undergoing such changes.