A team of workers took 167.3 hours to complete a task. A smaller team of workers will computer the same task, but it will take them 1.25 times as long as it took the first team based on this information, which statement is true

To find out which statement is true, we need to understand the relationship between the two teams' completion times. Let's break it down step by step:

1. The first team of workers took 167.3 hours to complete the task.

2. The second team of workers will take 1.25 times as long as the first team.

To calculate the time taken by the second team, we need to multiply the time taken by the first team (167.3 hours) by 1.25:

Time taken by the second team = 167.3 hours * 1.25

Calculating this:

Time taken by the second team = 209.125 hours

Now let's analyze the statements to determine which one is true:

Statement 1: The second team will take less time than the first team.
Since the time taken by the second team (209.125 hours) is greater than the time taken by the first team (167.3 hours), this statement is false.

Statement 2: The second team will take more time than the first team.
As we have determined that the second team will indeed take more time (209.125 hours), this statement is true.

Therefore, the correct statement is: "The second team will take more time than the first team."