Trevor won several races last season. The following list shows the cash prizes he won at the races. 7,000;25,000;6500;10050;650 what was trevor’s total winning last season

To find Trevor's total winnings last season, you need to add up all the cash prizes he won at the races.

Total winnings = 7,000 + 25,000 + 6,500 + 10,050 + 650

Adding the numbers together:

Total winnings = 49,200

Therefore, Trevor's total winnings last season were $49,200.

To find Trevor's total winnings last season, you need to add up all the cash prizes he won. Here is how you can do it:

1. Start by listing all the cash prizes Trevor won last season: 7,000; 25,000; 6,500; 10,050; 650.
2. Now, add these numbers together:
7,000 + 25,000 + 6,500 + 10,050 + 650 = 49,200.
3. Therefore, Trevor's total winnings last season were $49,200.

what, you can't add these numbers? you can clearly use a computer, so surely you can handle a calculator.