On a number​ line, between which two consecutive whole numbers would 'radical 32' be​ located? I don't understand how to do the math can you explain don't just give me the answer?

look at the perfect squares

√32 is between √25 and √36

I have a C+ and i really need to get it up please help.

Thank you!

To determine the interval between two consecutive whole numbers where the square root of 32 (represented as √32 or "radical 32") is located on a number line, we need to find the two whole numbers that surround the result of √32. Here's how:

1. Calculate the square root of 32:
√32 = 5.65685424949 (rounded to 12 decimal places)

2. Identify the whole numbers that are on either side of 5.65685424949.
The whole number that comes before 5.65685424949 is 5, and the whole number that comes after is 6.

Therefore, on the number line, the square root of 32 (√32) is located between the consecutive whole numbers 5 and 6.