A chemist measures the mass of an unknown substance. The mass is 2.53 g. Which statement best describes the chemist’s measurement?

(1 point)
It is a qualitative inference.
It is a quantitative inference.***
It is a qualitative observation.
It is a quantitative observation. Which of the following is a set of units from the International System of Units (SI)?
(1 point)
gram (g); ounce (oz); meter (m)
kilogram (kg); liter (L); kilometer (km)***
pound (lb); liter (L); inch (in.)
pound (lb); ounce (oz); foot (ft)

A student is carrying out a chemistry experiment in the laboratory. The student is wearing a white lab coat, plastic goggles, latex gloves, and sandals. How can the student best improve laboratory safety?
(1 point)
put on closed-toed shoes***
use cloth gloves instead of latex
put on a darker-colored lab coat
use glass goggles instead of plastic

Which statement explains how oceans affect the biomes in an area?
(1 point)
Ocean currents always make biomes near the oceans warmer.
Biomes near the ocean are much windier than biomes in other areas.
Ocean currents take moisture away from biomes located near oceans.
Biomes near the ocean have less variation in day and night temperature.***

In an ecosystem, a tree takes in energy from the sun to make fruit. An animal eats the fruit except for the peel. Bacteria break down the peel into the soil. Which of the following accurately describes the role of each organism in this ecosystem?
(1 point)
tree: prey
animal: decomposer
bacteria: predator
tree: producer
animal: scavenger
bacteria: herbivore
tree: omnivore
animal: carnivore
bacteria: scavenger
tree: producer***
animal: consumer
bacteria: decomposer

Which of the following statements describes the process of evaporation in the water cycle?
(1 point)
Water melts from a glacier and flows down a mountain into a lake.
Water is heated and moves from the ocean into the atmosphere.***
Moisture in the air cools and gathers, forming water droplets the air.
Rain falls from clouds to the ground and is absorbed as groundwater.

Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
(1 point)

Which effect could happen as a result of eutrophication caused by runoff from a farm field?
(1 point)
a decrease in organic nutrients in a lake
a loss of oxygen in an aquatic ecosystem***
an increase in biodiversity near a river delta
a gain in sunlight availability in a pond ecosystem

Which observation would best support the theory of global warming?
(1 point)
A region has received a decrease in total rainfall over the past three years.
The average surface temperature of Earth has risen over the last 100 years.
The average annual temperature across a region has risen for two years in a row.
This year’s highest temperature on Earth is warmer than last year’s highest temperature.***

Precious metals are mined from Earth’s crust to make many things like electronics or medical equipment. Which sphere of the Earth system contains precious metals that can be mined?
(1 point)

Which property of Earth is most important for life to exist on the planet?
(1 point)
It has liquid water.***
It rotates on its axis.
It has day and night cycles.
It contains hydrogen and oxygen.

The strength of gravity between two objects depends on which factors?
(1 point)
speed and time
speed and mass
distance and time
mass and distance***

Which statement describes the fall equinox in the Northern Hemisphere?
(1 point)
Both hemispheres are tilted toward the sun.
Neither hemisphere is tilted toward the sun.***
The Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun.
The Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun.

Why is the moon visible from Earth?
(1 point)
The part of the moon facing Earth reflects light back to Earth.
Half of the moon facing the sun reflects light toward Earth.***
Half of the moon produces light and some travels toward Earth. Howard Earth.
Howard Earth.
The part of the moon that produces light changes as it orbits Earth.

How does high tide change with the motion of the moon?
(1 point)
High tide rotates in the opposite direction as the moon.
The high tide appears at night and disappears during the day.
The high tide appears during the day and disappears at night.***
High tide rotates to remain directly in line with the moon.

Which pairs of planets are characterized correctly as terrestrial planets and gas giants?
(1 point)
Terrestrial: Venus and Saturn
Gas Giants: Mars and Neptune
Terrestrial: Uranus and Earth
Gas Giants: Mercury and Saturn
Terrestrial: Venus and Mars
Gas Giants: Jupiter and Neptune
Terrestrial: Mercury and Jupiter***
Gas Giants: Venus and Uranus

Which element undergoes nuclear fusion in the sun’s interior to create most of the sun’s energy?
(1 point)

Which of the following best describes the planet Uranus?
(1 point)
an inner planet with a very thick atmosphere and an extremely hot rocky surface
a blue-green gas giant that rotates from top to bottom rather than from side to side***
a red planet with a surface rich with iron that has a thin atmosphere of mainly carbon dioxide
the largest and most massive planet with a thick atmosphere made of mainly hydrogen and helium

Which shows the correct sequence for the life of a star that is more massive than the sun?
(1 point)
nebula > main sequence star > protostar > supernova > red giant***
main sequence star > red giant > nebula > protostar > supernova
protostar > supernova > red giant > nebula > main sequence star
nebula > protostar > main sequence star > red giant > supernova

The Big Bang Theory states that
(1 point)
the universe is expanding.
the universe is heating up.***
the universe is contracting.
the universe is cooling down.

i got a 14 out of 20 here are the real answers


Guys- this is a final!

1. The chemist's measurement of the mass of the unknown substance (2.53 g) is a quantitative inference. This is because it provides a numerical value (mass) for the substance, which can be measured and quantified.

2. The set of units from the International System of Units (SI) is kilogram (kg); liter (L); kilometer (km). The SI system is the most widely used system for measuring quantities in science and everyday life, and these units are part of it.

3. The student can best improve laboratory safety by putting on closed-toed shoes. Sandals are not appropriate for laboratory work as they do not provide adequate protection for the feet. Closed-toed shoes are recommended to prevent any potential accidents or injuries.

4. The statement that explains how oceans affect the biomes in an area is: Biomes near the ocean have less variation in day and night temperature. The presence of oceans can moderate temperature fluctuations in nearby biomes, leading to more stable day and night temperatures.

5. The role of each organism in this ecosystem is:
- Tree: producer. Trees use energy from the sun to produce fruit through the process of photosynthesis.
- Animal: consumer. The animal eats the fruit, making it a consumer in the ecosystem.
- Bacteria: decomposer. Bacteria break down the peel of the fruit into the soil, decomposing the organic matter.

6. The process of evaporation in the water cycle is when water is heated and moves from the ocean into the atmosphere. Evaporation occurs when the heat from the sun causes water to change from a liquid state to a gaseous state, forming water vapor in the atmosphere.

7. The process that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants and other photosynthetic organisms use carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to produce oxygen and glucose. This process helps to regulate the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

8. One effect that could happen as a result of eutrophication caused by runoff from a farm field is a loss of oxygen in an aquatic ecosystem. Eutrophication occurs when excessive nutrients, such as fertilizers, enter a body of water and lead to an overgrowth of algae. As the algae decompose, the process consumes oxygen, leading to a decrease in oxygen levels, which can harm aquatic organisms.

9. The observation that would best support the theory of global warming is: This year’s highest temperature on Earth is warmer than last year’s highest temperature. Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average surface temperature. While individual weather events or changes in rainfall patterns may not directly indicate global warming, the trend of increasing high temperatures over time is consistent with the theory.

10. The sphere of the Earth system that contains precious metals that can be mined is the geosphere. The geosphere refers to the solid Earth, including the rocks, minerals, and metals that make up the Earth's crust. Precious metals, such as gold or silver, are typically found in the geosphere and can be mined.

11. The property of Earth that is most important for life to exist on the planet is that it has liquid water. Liquid water is essential for supporting and sustaining life as we know it. It is necessary for many biological processes, provides a habitat for organisms, and is involved in the cycling of nutrients and energy.

12. The strength of gravity between two objects depends on their mass and distance. The gravitational force between two objects increases as the mass of the objects increases and decreases as the distance between them increases. The formula for calculating the gravitational force is F = (G * m1 * m2) / r^2, where F is the force, G is the gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects, and r is the distance between them.

13. The fall equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is when neither hemisphere is tilted toward the sun. During the fall equinox, which occurs around September 21st, the Earth is positioned in its orbit so that the axis of the Earth is neither tilted toward nor away from the sun. This results in an equal amount of daylight and darkness for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

14. The moon is visible from Earth because half of the moon facing the sun reflects light toward Earth. The moon does not produce its own light, but instead reflects sunlight. As the moon orbits the Earth, the portion of the moon that is facing the sun is illuminated, and this reflected sunlight is visible from Earth.

15. High tide appears during the day and disappears at night. The motion of the moon, particularly its gravitational pull, influences the tides on Earth. When the moon is directly overhead or on the opposite side, the gravitational force is stronger, resulting in high tide. As the moon moves in its orbit, the position of high tide shifts. Therefore, high tide can appear during the day and disappear at night.

16. The pairs of planets that are characterized correctly as terrestrial planets and gas giants are:
- Terrestrial: Venus and Mars. Terrestrial planets are rocky and have a solid surface. Venus and Mars are both rocky planets.
- Gas Giants: Jupiter and Neptune. Gas giants are composed primarily of gases and lack a solid surface. Jupiter and Neptune are both gas giants.

17. The element that undergoes nuclear fusion in the sun's interior to create most of the sun's energy is hydrogen. In the sun's core, hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium through a process called nuclear fusion. This fusion releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat, which is what powers the sun.

18. The planet Uranus is a blue-green gas giant that rotates from top to bottom rather than from side to side. Uranus is unique among the planets in the solar system as it has an extreme axial tilt, causing it to rotate on its side. This gives Uranus a distinct appearance and rotation compared to other planets.

19. The correct sequence for the life of a star that is more massive than the sun is: nebula > main sequence star > protostar > supernova > red giant. The life cycle of a massive star begins with a nebula, which collapses under gravity to form a protostar. The protostar goes through nuclear fusion and becomes a main sequence star. Eventually, the star's fuel runs out, leading to a supernova explosion. After the explosion, the remaining material may form a red giant.

20. The Big Bang Theory states that the universe is expanding. According to this theory, the universe originated from a singularity and has been expanding ever since. This expansion is supported by various observational evidence, such as the observation of the redshift of distant galaxies. The theory does not make any specific claims about the universe heating up or cooling down.

ms sue can you pls check my answers

Is she right

We’re your answers right

Ms. Sue passed away about a year ago.