Marie has a recipe that calls for 2 cups of flour to make 3 dozen cookies. How much flour would she need to make 12 dozen cookies for bake sale?

I might be wrong but I think it is 8. 3 fits into 12 4 times. 4 times 2 is 8.


As a proportion, that is written
x/12 = 2/3

To find out how much flour Marie would need to make 12 dozen cookies, we can set up a proportion using the information provided.

First, let's determine the ratio of cups of flour required to the number of cookies produced in the given recipe.

In the recipe, 2 cups of flour are needed to make 3 dozen cookies. Since one dozen is equal to 12, we can say that 2 cups of flour are needed for 3 * 12 = 36 cookies.

So the ratio is:
2 cups of flour : 36 cookies

To find out how much flour would be needed for 12 dozen cookies, we can set up the proportion:
2 cups of flour / 36 cookies = x cups of flour / 12 dozen cookies

Now, we need to convert 12 dozen to the equivalent number of cookies. One dozen is equal to 12 cookies, so 12 dozen is equal to 12 * 12 = 144 cookies.

Plugging these values into the proportion, we get:
2 cups of flour / 36 cookies = x cups of flour / 144 cookies

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:
2 cups of flour * 144 cookies = 36 cookies * x cups of flour

288 cups of flour = 36x

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 36:
288 cups of flour / 36 = x cups of flour

x = 8

So Marie would need 8 cups of flour to make 12 dozen cookies for the bake sale.