Add the parentheses to make it true 8-7x4=4

To add parentheses to the equation 8-7x4=4 in order to make it true, we need to determine the correct placement of the parentheses.

The equation 8-7x4=4 involves both subtraction and multiplication. According to the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS), multiplication should be performed before subtraction.

So, let's start by adding parentheses around the multiplication operation:

8 - (7x4) = 4

Now, let's solve the equation using the correct order of operations:

7x4 = 28

8 - 28 = -20

As you can see, adding parentheses around the multiplication operation does not result in 8-7x4=4. Instead, it makes the equation false.

Therefore, it is not possible to add parentheses in a way that makes the equation 8-7x4=4 true.