Evaluate the expression for the given values of the variables. (Not sure)

3ab^2; a = -4, b = 2
A -48
B 96
C 48
D -96

Thank you!!

I almost went with C

The answer is A. -48.

3*(-4)*4 = -12 * 4 = ?

To evaluate the expression 3ab^2 with the given values a = -4 and b = 2, we substitute these values into the expression:

3ab^2 = 3(-4)(2^2)

First, we calculate the value of b^2:

b^2 = 2^2 = 4

Next, we substitute this value into the expression:

3ab^2 = 3(-4)(4)

Now, we perform the calculations:

-4 * 4 = -16

Finally, we multiply the result by 3:

3 * (-16) = -48

Therefore, the evaluation of the expression 3ab^2 when a = -4 and b = 2 is -48.

So, the correct answer is A. -48.