Angelica’s bouquet of a dozen roses contains 5 white roses. The rest of the roses are pink. What fraction of the bouquet is pink roses? There are 12 roses in a dozen.

12-5 = 7

so, 7/12

To find the fraction of pink roses in Angelica's bouquet, we need to determine how many pink roses are in the bouquet.

Since there are 12 roses in total, and 5 of them are white, we can subtract the number of white roses from the total number of roses to find the number of pink roses.

Number of pink roses = Total number of roses - Number of white roses
Number of pink roses = 12 - 5
Number of pink roses = 7

Therefore, there are 7 pink roses in Angelica's bouquet.

To find the fraction of the bouquet that is pink roses, we divide the number of pink roses by the total number of roses.

Fraction of pink roses = Number of pink roses / Total number of roses
Fraction of pink roses = 7 / 12

So the fraction of the bouquet that is pink roses is 7/12.

To find the fraction of the bouquet that is pink roses, we need to determine the number of pink roses in the bouquet.

We know that the bouquet contains a total of 12 roses and 5 of them are white. Therefore, the remaining roses must be pink.

To find the number of pink roses, we subtract the number of white roses from the total number of roses:
12 (total roses) - 5 (white roses) = 7 (pink roses)

So, there are 7 pink roses in the bouquet.

To express this as a fraction, we can write:

Fraction of pink roses = Number of pink roses / Total number of roses

Fraction of pink roses = 7 / 12

Therefore, the fraction of the bouquet that is pink roses is 7/12.