You buy 6 pounds of apples for $33. What is the cost of 10 pounds of apples?

(33 dollars / 6 pounds) * 10 pounds = 33 * 5/3 dollars = $ 55

To find the cost of 10 pounds of apples, we first need to determine the cost per pound of apples.

Cost per pound of apples = Total cost / Total pounds

Cost per pound of apples = $33 / 6 pounds
Cost per pound of apples = $5.50 per pound

Now, to find the cost of 10 pounds of apples, we multiply the cost per pound by the number of pounds.

Cost of 10 pounds of apples = Cost per pound of apples * 10 pounds
Cost of 10 pounds of apples = $5.50 per pound * 10 pounds
Cost of 10 pounds of apples = $55

Therefore, the cost of 10 pounds of apples is $55.

To find the cost of 10 pounds of apples, we can use a simple proportional relationship between the weight of the apples and their cost.

The given information states that 6 pounds of apples cost $33. Therefore, we can set up a proportion to find the cost of 10 pounds of apples:

6 pounds of apples = $33
10 pounds of apples = ?

To solve this proportion, we can use the concept of cross-multiplication.

First, cross-multiplying the given information, we get:
6 pounds of apples * ? = $33 * 10 pounds of apples

Now, solving for the unknown value, we have:
?= ($33 * 10 pounds of apples) / 6 pounds of apples

Simplifying the expression, we get:
?= $330 / 6

Therefore, the cost of 10 pounds of apples would be approximately $55.