The inequality 2 p is less than or equal to 18 can be used to determine how many pounds of apples at $2.00 per pound, p, you can buy while spending $18.00 or less. What is the greatest number of pounds of apples you can buy?

A. 9 pounds
B. 16 pounds
C. 20 pounds
D. 36 pounds

pls help-🌹


To determine the greatest number of pounds of apples you can buy, we need to solve the inequality: 2p ≤ 18.

To do this, we need to isolate the variable 'p' on one side of the inequality sign. We can do this by dividing both sides of the inequality by 2:

2p/2 ≤ 18/2
p ≤ 9

So, p is less than or equal to 9. This means that the maximum number of pounds of apples you can buy while spending $18.00 or less is 9 pounds.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
A. 9 pounds

answer is easy 2 x9 = 18 so your answer is 18

2 p is less than or equal to 18 ---> 2p ≤ 18

Remember you only have $18
At $2.00 per pound, how much would 8 pounds cost?
At $2.00 per pound, how much would 20 pounds cost?

Why do you think I made those last two statements?