Calculate the percentage by mass of all component element in sodium trioxonitrate

I don't know it

The correct IUPAC name for NaNO3 is sodium nitrate.

% Na = [atomic mass Na/molar mass NaNO3]*100 = ?
% N = [atomic mass N/molar mass NaNO3]*100 = ?
% O = [(3*atomic mass O)/molar mass NaNO3]*100 = ?

To calculate the percentage by mass of each component element in sodium trioxonitrate, we need to know the formula of the compound, NaNO3, and the molar masses of each element.

Step 1: Find the molar mass of NaNO3.
- The molar mass of sodium (Na) is 22.99 g/mol.
- The molar mass of nitrogen (N) is 14.01 g/mol.
- The molar mass of oxygen (O) is 16.00 g/mol.
Now, we can calculate the molar mass of NaNO3:
Na: 1 * 22.99 g/mol = 22.99 g/mol
N: 1 * 14.01 g/mol = 14.01 g/mol
O: 3 * 16.00 g/mol = 48.00 g/mol

Total molar mass of NaNO3 = 22.99 + 14.01 + 48.00 = 85.00 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the percentage by mass of each component element in NaNO3.
- The percentage by mass of an element is calculated by taking the molar mass of the element and dividing it by the molar mass of the compound, then multiplying by 100.

Percentage of Na = (22.99 g/mol / 85.00 g/mol) * 100
Percentage of N = (14.01 g/mol / 85.00 g/mol) * 100
Percentage of O = (48.00 g/mol / 85.00 g/mol) * 100

After performing the calculations, we find that:
- The percentage by mass of sodium in NaNO3 is approximately 27.05%.
- The percentage by mass of nitrogen in NaNO3 is approximately 16.48%.
- The percentage by mass of oxygen in NaNO3 is approximately 56.47%.

Therefore, the percentage by mass of each component element in sodium trioxonitrate (NaNO3) is:
- 27.05% sodium (Na)
- 16.48% nitrogen (N)
- 56.47% oxygen (O).